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Terms & Conditions

  1. Play Football Academy reserves the right to refuse player enrollment from persons we feel will impede on the success of our programs and to remove abusive or disruptive players at our discretion.
  2. All players registered will remain on the program until completion. Players who wish to decline the completion of their chosen program will do so by forfeiting the money paid for the enrollment in that program. All parents and caregivers will be responsible for their child’s arrival and departure from the respective training venue. 
  3. All players registered with Play Football Academy must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Abusive behaviour of both a physical or verbal nature will not be tolerated toward that of the public, staff or other players when attending the academy. Any inappropriate conduct will result in the dismissal of that player from the program. 
  4. All players must be punctual and prompt to their sessions. Absence from a session will not be refunded. 
  5. Play Football Academy accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal property belonging to any persons attending the academy. 
  6. Play Football Academy and any of its coaching staff accept no responsibility for any injury, death, loss or damage to the applicant player during any of the training programmes. Parents/Caregivers are fully aware and understand the risks associated with their child taking part in activities which require physical exertion, as they come with a risk of injury. Participants will take part at their own risk and shall indemnify Play Football Academy and its staff against all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, costs and expenses which may be taken or made against Play Football Academy. 
  7. Child participation comes at the acceptance of Parents/Caregivers of that child, they will accept the risk on their own behalf. Play Football Academy will not be liable for the injury or death of any person at a Play Football Academy session or event held by the academy.
  8. In the instance of a medical emergency, if a Parent/Caregiver is unable to be contacted or it is otherwise impracticable for me to be contacted, Play Football Academy is authorised (the adult in charge i.e. Coach, Director, other available Academy Staff of Play Football Academy) to:
  • Consent to my child receiving medical assistance as directed by a medical practitioner in the unlikely event of any illness or accident taking place. 
  • Administer or consent to such first aid as the adult in charge may consider to be reasonably necessary in the case of illness or accident.
  1. Parents/Caregivers are responsible to accept all the risks involved in the administration of medical or first aid treatment that is deemed necessary at the time of injury or illness. Payment of all expenses incurred in relation to such treatment and any emergency transportation fee is accepted by Parents/Caregivers of the child requiring medical attention. 
  2. If a child is seriously injured where an Ambulance is required, Play Football Academy and its staff will call for an ambulance if the child’s Parent(s)/Caregiver(s) are not immediately available to grant authorization at the cost of the child. 
  3. You must provide Play Football Academy of any medical conditions the registered player has where applicable on the registration form. This information will be kept strictly confidential as all information provided to the academy regarding any individual enrolling. 
  4. Play Football Academy will notify all Parents/Caregivers via an SMS or and/or email in order to announce the postponement or rescheduling of a session due to wet weather or extreme heat. Play Football Academy reserves the right to request the removal of any child causing significant disruption or posing a safety risk to other children or themselves. 
  5. You must contact Play Football Academy if the registered player is unable to attend the scheduled session. In this instance, a credit will be given to that player to make up the session, money will not be refunded. 
  6. Sessions are cancelled if the School has shut down the playing area or if the weather poses a safety risk. 
  7. If a session is cancelled, the coaching staff will text you to let you know. You can then email Play Football Academy to organise your makeup session. The decision on whether a class will go ahead is made prior to the session, not the day before. 
  8. Not attending a session without notifying the academy will result in the forfeit of that session, therefore, the session can not be made up at another scheduled time for the player(s) who were absent. 
  9. Play Football Academy coaches may be required to pair or group children together who have similar abilities for the sake of safety, engagement and development. 
  10. It is compulsory that all registered players wear the appropriate attire. Trainers or football boots are compulsory in order to participate in a session, shin pads are non negotiable and the appropriate clothing attire must be worn for children to participate safely and successfully in a session. 
  11. Play Football Academy is sun safe. All children must arrive wearing a hat, this must remain on during the session. We strongly recommend applying sunscreen 20 minutes prior to your arrival in order to minimize the rate of sunburn. Sunscreen will also be available for children to reapply during the session. It is compulsory that children bring a drink bottle and water to successfully see them through the session. 
  12. Play Football Academy is COVID-19 safe. QR check in is compulsory for all Parents/Caregivers. Children will be signed in on arrival. Parents/Caregivers will be required to social distance and wear masks where appropriate. If there is a failure to meet COVID-19 regulation standards, the person/people failing to uphold these recommendations will be responsible for any fine or infringement imposed on the academy. 
  13. Parents/Caregivers must notify coaching staff of the occurrence of a child needing to be removed during a session.
  14. Play Football Academy will only accept payment from people over the age of 18. It is a requirement that Parents and Caregivers are enrolling their children and finalising payment for our services. 
  15. No refunds will be provided, unless there is an exemption made by the academy. Refunds will only occur in the incident of a child’s incapability to return to make up a session due to chronic illness, broken limbs, or other extreme injuries or circumstances. In the unfortunate occurrence of such, the academy must be notified promptly. 
  16. Play Football Academy reserves the right to carry out the session or to reschedule in the occurrence of player attendance dropping below 10 children. 
  17. Play Football Academy may have photographers and videographers on site. You acknowledge that the footage and images captured during this time will be used in promotional publications such as social media, website gallery display and other media modes where the academy chooses to share these photographs and footage. Unless you have written to the academy stating that you do not consent to your child’s images being used for these purposes. 
  18. Play Football Academy reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes as such will be effective immediately upon posting on the website. Customers should regularly check this page for any amendments that may occur.
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We’re passionate about giving your child the opportunity to develop their understanding of the interconnectedness between preparation and success, emotional regulation, persistence and diversity; all through the teachings of football and its complexities.
Copyright© Play Football Academy 2025
Website Built  by Smart Sovereign